From Stone

Featured Items {aii} + Radioactive Eyes + [Seydr] Archaic Tattoo @ The Secret Affair :[P]: - Araxxis Gatcha @ Lootbox If you'd like to see the full size image please click here Hair These are all old hairs from Elikatira and are retired as far as I know. [e] Fresh - White 05 [e] Melody - White 05 [e] Thrive - White 05 booN Mae.003 hair (bangs on the right head ) Skin +FGInc.+ Blessed Silver Mesh Parts Aii + Freak Head + Maitreya Lara Outfit {egosumaii} + Tattered Devil Wings + ::: B@R ::: Otoko Raden [CX] Heavy Duty Collar (Un-rigged) [Gauze&Trap] Faun Legsthree head *Gauze is now known as Seydr