Sweetest Day Dessert

Featured Item
Hair // [^.^Ayashi^.^] Tomiko Hair @ Black Fair

Eyes // CURELESS[+] Lethe Eyes
Skin // 2 [ Pity Party ] Oni Oni Monster Girls Gacha RARE @ The Epiphany
Ears // Schadenfreude Changeling Ear  
Nipples // :BD: Puffies
Rings // **RE** Luxy Rings 
Tail // {egosumaii} + Daemonium Tail @ OKINAWA
Bracelets // .tsg. Candy Bracelet Gift~
Stockings // Violent Seduction - Bia Stockings
.tsg. Decora Bow Bracelet
Collar //.tsg. Rose Pendant Collar - Pink
Fur // :: MOMOCHUU :: Dana Fur shoulder Mix 
Candy Heart // :Moon Amore: Valentine Glittery  CandyHeart
Horns // ALTAIR* oni horns
Harness // Insomnia Angel . bat wing harness *On sale for Halloween
Banana // Insomnia Angel . Chocolate-coated banana ] 
 Eyepatch // Insomnia Angel . malpractice -12- dizzy eyepatch [pure B] @ The Epiphany
 Garter // Insomnia Angel . malpractice -6- trisomy garter [pure] @ The Epiphany
 Nipple Piercings // Kibitz - Batty nipple


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