Fantasy Faire 2021 Has Arrived!

 Featured Items

:[P]:- Araleus Arms @ Fantasy Faire 2021

:[P]:- Araleus Legs @ Fantasy Faire 2021

It's that time of year again for the Fantasy Faire! It's honestly my favorite event in SL, there's so much fantasy content at my finger tips and I can help out Relay for Life in the process. The faire has been open since April 22nd and will stay open until May 9th. There are 4 sims for events, and 16 shopping sims. All of the sims are decorated in different fantasy themes and worth exploring. If you're not so into exploring or events the Fantasy Faire has a complete shopping guide and it's worth a browse to discover new creators and shinies. 

Petrichor has created an obscene amount of items for the event and they're all so detailed and well made. If you're a lover of quality fantasy items I suggest you check them out.

Photo taken at Fantasy Fair Sim "The Amethyst Rift."
Hair // Raven Bell - Falz Hair 

Eyes // 23 [ Pity Party ] Fairy Dust Eyes {Green} @ The Epiphany
Skin // 1 [ Pity Party ] Rose Gacha{ Tone 1&2 } RARE

Eyeshadow // 14 [ Pity Party ] Rose Gacha HD Eyeshadow {Nude}
Lipstick // 18 [ Pity Party ] Spring Fae Gacha {Apricot} Gloss @ The Epiphany

Freckles // Izzie's - Heavy Freckles

Pores // Izzie's - Pores & Blemishes (LeLutka)

Body Shine // Izzie's - Body & Face Shine

Veins & Cellulite // Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite (combined)

Face Gem & Tatoo // [AERTH] Stellaris Bindi **Hunt Freebie**

 Fur Mantle & Neck Armor // TURB - Dark Priest Gold Torso-F [BOXED] RARE

Chest Armor // TURB - The Rogue Original Accessories [Female] BOXED

Bodysuit & Bolero // :[P]:- Darkling Vys Gacha @ The Epiphany

Rings // :Moon Amore: Arcano Rings & Nova/Vibing - Amby 

Magic Fingers // PFC~Magic Fingers


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