Tavern Night

Featured Items

.~DN~. Essence of Nightshade-

:[P]:- Karzakk Pauldrons @ Midnight Order

:[P]:- Karzakk Collar @ Midnight Order

:[P]:- Flit Ears - Pride

:[P]:- Unaria Horns 

I just updated my lilly head to evox and I'm enjoying being able to use some new skins and cosmetics. Though to be fair my real take is why are we going into incompatibility with regular bom for a few more pixels on the face? I guess I just hope people still create regular bom products along with evox bom. 

Here's what the animations for the essence of nightshade looks like. I love that the liquid inside is animated too, it looks so cool!

Exile - Mia

(Enfer Sombre*) LeLutka EvoX Hairbase - Caroline

okkbye. Mayumi Eyebrows


Storybook - Heimdall Eyes

DAZED. Dolce Lip Glosses - lel EVOX BOM

1 { Pity Party } Summer Fae Gacha {Night} RARE @ The Epiphany

Izzie's - Body & Face Shine

Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite

Izzie's - Face Moles V2 & Neck Moles

Izzie's - Freckles

Top // :[P]:- Arvinea

[V-Tech]Dark Knight - Gloves



[Harshlands] Viking House

[Harshlands] Old Lamp Post

 [Harshlands] Medieval Hanging Menu

[Harshlands] Wooden Counter 

[Harshlands] Small Table Candle

[Harshlands] A Questionable Soup 2

[Harshlands] Ale Mug

[Harshlands] Decorative Shield

 [Harshlands] Barrel

[Harshlands] Wooden Crates

[Harshlands] Fishing Rod and Bucket

{RW} Mesh Bread, Soup & Cheese Plate

TBF Mesh Gold Coin Bag

dust bunny . wanderlust . bread basket

JIAN :: Held Ferret

 JIAN Chubby Cat Bird Bus

JIAN Stoats

 OW Viking bar stool v3

 OW Vine barrel

 OW Viking table

 OW Medieval viking chair v2

 OW Tavern jar and mugs of beers


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