Featured Items

:[P]:- Neon Novi @ Collabor88

:[P]:- Ariania Jewelry @ Collabor88

:[P]:- Ariania Halos @ Collabor88

A detailed look at the earrings in this jewellery set, these are my favorites and I think they can work with higher fantasy looks so I'm excited to work them into other outfits.


  Wasabi // Juniper Mesh Hair @ FLF Birthday Bash '21


23. [CX] Osseous Species Eyes - B

Izzie's - BOM Eyebrow Cuts

Izzie's - BOM Smile Lines

Emotional Circus - Glossy Girl Lips 

[ Pity Party ] Willow lel evo X Tone Sunkiss 

Pepe Skins - Curvy V2 

Izzie's - Body Veins & Cellulite

Astara - Cyber Glasses @ FLF Birthday Bash '21

:[P]:- Araxxis Nosering

22. [CX] Necronomic Mother - Collar - Metal/M/RARE

[ContraptioN] AP-3X Prosthetic Arm

[ContraptioN] SP1NDL Prosthetic Arm

11. [CX] Industrial Valkyrie - Skirt // M // Oil Spill Peacock

25. [CX] Industrial Valkyrie - Boots // M // Oil Spill Peacock

CURELESS[+] Precious Gem / Priestess Markings / BLUE


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