Golden Hour

:[P]:- Merusine Outfit @ The Guild ATLANTIS

:[P]:- Karkisse Jewelry The Guild ATLANTIS

:[P]:- Eyes - Sessehi The Guild ATLANTIS

Name:Nerine Tidepool Race:Naiad Title:Keeper of the Veiled Lagoon
She's a literal gold fish. :P

Somethings in this outfit aren't available anymore so I just haven't listed them.

[Yomi] Doxy Hair

(Enfer Sombre*) LeLutka EvoX Hairbase - Caroline

Lash Applier // Zen Child Designs - Hekate's Daughter Makeup EvoX @ Abnormality

Core&Gore :: Azura bom 

Core&Gore :: Fluff eyebrows [style 1]

[AERTH] Atlantea Face + Body Tattoos @ The Guild ATLANTIS

{ Pity Party } Linaria Lel Evo X { Dracula }

VELOUR: The "Ipanema Halloween"

:[P]:- Vaera Claws - Female

[NI.JU] Drippy Goo Layers

CURELESS[+] Kimora Fins

eBODY - REBORN - Wear to unpack

EVERMORE. [ siren - carving ]

~ Cynefin ~ Body Scales

~ Cynefin ~ Nereid's Adornments


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