Miswure Oakenheart

    Fantasy Faire 2022 is coming to a close, the sim officially closes tonight @ midnight SLT. Unofficially the sims will still be open until around mid day on the 11th but vendors may have already cleaned up their stores so it's best that you come and visit today.

    Today I'm a tiefling druid with my cute lil owl companion, that I've named Lilith. This is my first time seeing CKit Falconry and honestly I'm so sad I haven't found them sooner, they have so many cool companion pets. If you know me at all you know I love collecting little creatures and I can't wait to purchase more friends from them! CKit Falconry has created this awesome barn owl pet, that comes with a ton of animations and poses to choose from.  You can also name them and have them talk in chat. Please look below for a video showing it in motion, and if you're not a fan of owls there is also a raven buddy to pick up too. The perfect pal for a broody bard or a wicked warlock. Both birds are fantasy faire exclusives and the proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.

    I've taken my photo at Mythspire Ridge and my photo does not do it justice, the sim is so beautiful with elven inspired architecture up top and a cool fungal underground below. I'm gonna miss having all these lovely sims to explore and take photos in, until next year my sweet faire. I can't wait to visit again.

Please ctrl+click to see full size images

Featured Items

 [AERTH] Lunar Priest Facial Tattoos @ Planet29

[AERTH] Sylasia Body Tattoo @ We <3 Roleplay

CKit Falconry_animesh Barn Owl_ShoulderPet @ Fantasy Faire 2022

 Raven Bell - Soleil Hair

rotten {chubbi horns} @ Ota.con

{ Pity Party } Lilium Lel Evo X Tone Blush @ Ota.con

Mana. // Jotun Eyes 

RAWR! Io ELF EvoX Earrings

 sacrilege . sigrid face paint @ We <3 Roleplay

TURB - Inquisitor Armor 

24. ERSCH - Polina Sleeves LARA -beige-

ERSCH - Bellorica bodyjewelry -emerald-

ERSCH - Ruby Suit -brown-

{egosumaii} + Daemonium Tail +


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