Hyroagos, the House of Fruition

   It's that time again folks! Fantasy Faire 2023 has begun! Tons of talented creators have released a plethora of fantasy goodies for you to gobble up. The best part is it's all for a great cause.

   If you didn't already know Fantasy Faire is a 17 day long event and has 22 sims full of awesome fantasy wares for your body,home & to explore. It is also a fundraising event with creators providing special items whose sales go directly to Relay for Life. Besides shopping there is so much to do at the faire, with events running throughout and a fun quest to find some shines! Take some time to look through all the fantastical sims and if you get over whelmed here is a shopping guide for you to peruse.

   A fun way to immerse yourself in the faire is to make an character. Szystrum Synod is a aetherpunk themed sim and the creator of it [Walton Wainwright] has put together a google doc with some lore, a quiz to find which house you belong to, and some inspiration for your character. Below is my character for this years faire, Evx of house Hyroagos. She is a Syzstrumite that has been partially reclaimed by nature. At least that's the vibe I was going for.

I hope you all have fun and explore!


[AERTH] Dominos Regalia @ Fantasy Faire

*AG* CrystalHorn @ Fantasy Faire

-Birth- 'Kinetic Crystals' Animated Animesh @ Fantasy Faire

Head // Upper Body // [SOMNIUM] Syzstrumite: House Fruition  @ Fantasy Faire

 !dM deviousMind "Thyia" Calla Armvines

.{PSYCHO:Byts}. Infinity Legs

::Static:: Fae Embers 

:[P]: & ERSCH - Veridia 

[ContraptioN] SP1NDL Prosthetic Arm 

[NEKROS] Leaf Shroud

[Seydr] Dryad: Dark Forest 04

[Seydr] Touch of Death

Wings // PFC~Bee

Quills & Curiosities - Festering Fungus

{SS} Overgrowth


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