Malssysn of House Arkenund

 Sponsored & Events

{Aii}  + Ancestral Call Glow Tattoo + @ Fantasy Faire

 {En Pointe} Immortal Sentry Companion @ Fantasy Faire

:[Petrichor&Ersch]:- Arlania @ Fantasy Faire

:[Petrichor]:- Ikarus  @ Fantasy Faire

:[Petrichor]:- Kylaina @ Fantasy Faire

 {Syren's Song} Etile  @ Fantasy Faire

 Photo Taken @ Golden Hour

Malssysn is a Highborne Drow who loves fashion and necromancy.

HAZEL . Neptune Pose Set @ The Warehouse Sale 

REBIS - Thorned Seer Crown @ The Warehouse Sale 

Raven Bell - Lavender Hair 

SOMEONE - Evelyn Skin - Styx

SOMEONE - Divinity Body - Reborn - Slender - Styx

 Clover - MegaLash

[Mond] Afrodite Set Applier For Clover MegaLash

Void - Flutter Lashes

[AERTH] Creature Genetics V2

[AERTH] Creature Genetics

[Floro] Ankou Set

[Floro] Ila Hand Paint

- Hollow - Hellfire

*exist* hand fades

PFC~Magic fingers

ALTAIR* baiser claws

{Aii} + Satin Whisper Gown +

{Aii}  + Mythical Mega Makeup Pack +

{egosumaii} + Mortal Harvest Mantle +

{Aii & Ego} + Demonic Step Feet +

REBORN - Waifu Boobs -  


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