Washed Away

It's time for the Faire Lands to fade away until next year. I'm so sad that it's over but I'm excited to see what next year will bring. That said, you should hurry up and grab any limited time items you want!

The Birthday round of We <3 Role-Play has begun and with it a bunch of gifts!

Sponsored & Events

[AURO] : Te Moana - Ria - Fatpack [Yin & Yang] @ Fantasy Faire

[Floro] Abyssal Flesh @ Fantasy Faire

Bliensen + MaiTai - Cyclus - Tiara - silver @ We <3 Role-Play

/Vae Victis\ - "Oberon" - Crown of Thorns  @ We <3 Role-Play

Misteria - Mer Brows @ We <3 Role-Play

Moon Coven: Lilith Nose-Chain-Ear *Gift* @ We <3 Role-Play

Taken @ The Last Stop

((Krature)) - No Regrets - Bento Mer Pose Set - V2 *Edited A bit*

[Yomi] Kazemi Hair

SOMEONE - Evelyn Skin - Atlas

SOMEONE - Divinity Body - Reborn - Athletic - Atlas

[Floro] Ila Hand Paint

{Aii} + Webbed Hands +

{Aii} + VIP Group Gift! Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Ears Pack III +

{Aii & Ego} + Riptide Mermaid +

{Aii & Ego} + Demonic Touch + 

{Aii} + DeepSea Huntress Outfit +

*N*Kingyo queen

REBORN - Waifu Boobs


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